Home Europe Programs Netherlands Netherlands Explore This Section Europe Programs Austria & Belgium Czechia, Hungary & Poland Denmark, Norway, Sweden England France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Scotland & Wales Spain Amsterdam University of Amsterdam (CIEE)Semester or Summer optionsClasses available in a variety of academic areas including social sciences, humanities, business, and Dutch culture. Amsterdam Vrije University (CEA)Semester or Summer optionsClasses available in a variety of academic areas including social sciences, humanities, business, and Dutch culture. Delft TU DelftSpring semester or Academic Year optionsExchange programLimited to College of Engineering and College of Design students Wageningen Wageningen UniversityFall or Spring semester optionExchange programLimited to College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Students Various Locations Faculty Led Programs in EuropeSpring Break or SummerTravel during a university break Program travels with a group of ISU students as well as a faculty member