Frank Peters

Manages the Study Abroad Center and its staff. Leads strategic planning for the SAC. Oversees the SAC budget. Collaborates with college study abroad units to provide study abroad experiences.

Danette Bontrager

Business Manager
Responsible for program billing, ISUAbroad, international insurance, and study abroad visas. Advises programs in France and Belgium. Assists with centralized MOU management.

Monika Arvin

Study Abroad Advisor
Manages programs and internships in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Egypt, and Spain. Oversees curriculum integration efforts and coordinates inbound exchange.

Nicole Humphrey

Study Abroad Advisor
Coordinates programs and internships in Sub-Saharan Africa, Greece, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and all School for Field Studies programs. Serves as the co-chair of the ISUAbroad Committee.

Stephanie Lopez

Study Abroad Advisor
Manages programs and internships in Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America. Coordinates the SAC scholarship program and oversees the Peer Advisor team.

Ben McKelfresh

Study Abroad Advisor
Coordination of the SAC’s marketing efforts (including print materials, web, and events). Manages programs and internships in the British Isles, Eastern Europe, Germany, Netherlands, Semester at Sea, and Scandinavia.

In addition to the Study Abroad Center, there are study abroad or international program offices in each of Iowa State's colleges.