Program Cost


The study abroad programs available through Iowa State University vary in cost. Some programs are comparable to what you pay to attend Iowa State, while others could be more expensive.

For each approved program, you will find a budget sheet that outlines all related program expenses, everything from airfare to visa. These program budgets will give you a very good idea of what it will cost to do the program in total. You can take a look at a sample budget sheet for one of our programs in Germany.

The budget includes two subtotals. The top one is called billable subtotal.  These are the amounts that will be billed through Iowa State’s U-Bill. For an explanation of what is included in these amounts, please read the “Notes” section at the bottom of the budget sheet. The other subtotal shown is for non-billable items. These figures are estimates for expenses you incur before and during your study abroad program such as airfare, food, local transportation, personal expenses, etc. Please note as these figures are just estimates. It is possible that you could spend more or less than the amount shown. 

These budget sheets are available so that you and your family can financially prepare for your experience abroad. In addition, the Iowa State Office of Student Financial Aid has access to these budgets so they can adjust your aid package for your term abroad (if applicable). When in doubt, you are encouraged to contact your study abroad advisor for questions on program expenses. We are able to suggest programs that fit within your budget.  Keep in mind that your scholarships can often be used toward study abroad programs, and you can apply for additional study abroad scholarships.